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Winery 1: Treixadura Wines by Ramón Do Casar

We are embracing the challenge of reviewing 52 fabulous Spanish wineries in 2018, starting by a jewel located within the Designation of Origin Ribeiro, in the region of Galicia.

Ramón Do Casar, one of the fabulous Spanish wineries in Ribeiro by Colorful wines
Ramón Do Casar, a gem within Ribeiro DO

Ramón Do Casar is a family-owned winery founded in 2000. They own 13 hectares of vines and produce white wines, primarily from an emblematic and indigenous grape variety called Treixadura, giving high-quality wines with lots of elegance and structure showing white floral notes along with persistent citrusy and herbaceous hints. They make monovarietal Treixadura-based wines but also a coupage using the three Queens of Galician white grapes: Albariño, Godello and Treixadura. Their first vintage was 2013 and since then, they have won several wine awards.

Ramón Do Casar and Javier the oenologist, one of the fabulous Spanish wineries in Ribeiro by Colorful wines
Javier showing us the winery

We visited the winery last August and met Javier, oenologist and second generation of the winery. He showed us around and explained the origin of their beautiful wine labels. Ramón, his father, emigrated to Venezuela in the 50’s and for several years exchanged letters with his mother, who remained in Galicia. Part of these love letters are printed as labels of Ramón Do Casar wines, as well as photos of those goodbyes among people from Galicia leaving their country to cross the Ocean.

Ramón Do Casar
Labels inspired in goodbyes and love letters

Ramón Do Casar










Apart from producing high-quality white wines with lots of character, perfect to match seafood based gastronomic specialties from Galicia, the vineyard is located in a privileged spot, surrounded by beautiful landscapes, just by the Miño River bank; a Spanish winery definitely worth visiting when in Ribeiro.

Ramón Do Casar, one of the greatest Spanish wineries in Galicia by colorful wines
The winery is located on the bank of the Miño River

Have you tried Ramón Do Casar wines yet? If you love whites as we do and like to be ahead concerning Spanish wine trends, this is a must! You might also like visiting the winery and we can organise a wine tour specially for you. Here is a bit more about us! Cheers!

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Top 52 Spanish Wineries

We are reviewing 52 Spanish Wineries in 2018, 1 per week! These are stunning vineyards and wineries we have been to offering a wine tourism experience worth experiencing as well as making wonderful and high-quality wines! Stay tuned and follow us on Social Media to be part of this amazing wine ride! Salud!

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